
The Book of Psalms

Friday: A Song of Solomon

Theme: True Prosperity
In this week’s lessons we see how this psalm ultimately points to the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Scripture: Psalm 72:1-20

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: A Paradigm Shift for Asaph

Theme: Asaph’s Turning Point
In this week’s lessons we learn how the psalmist moves from doubt to faith in the goodness of God.
Scripture: Psalm 73:1-28
Suddenly on this downhill path into floundering unbelief there comes a turning point. It is in verses 16 and 17. For just when he was about to be swept away, Asaph, the honest doubter, “entered the sanctuary of God” and came to understand the “final destiny” of the wicked.

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Friday: Prayer amid the Ruins of Jerusalem

Theme: Pleading for God to Act
In this week’s lessons we see the need for continual trust and worship, even during times of trouble and uncertainty.
Scripture: Psalm 74:1-23
Because God is in charge and because he has acted in the past, why should he not also act powerfully in the present to deliver and restore his people? This is where the psalm has been heading, and it is the question with which it ends. Verses 18-23 voice this final urgent plea.

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Monday: Our God Reigns

Theme: The God Who Brings Down and Lifts Up
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded that God is sovereign over all things, and he will execute justice and judgment in his own time.
Scripture: Psalm 75:1-10

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Our God Reigns

Theme: Giving Thanks
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded that God is sovereign over all things, and he will execute justice and judgment in his own time.
Scripture: Psalm 75:1-10

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Wednesday: Our God Reigns

Theme: Words to the Righteous and the Wicked
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded that God is sovereign over all things, and he will execute justice and judgment in his own time.
Scripture: Psalm 75:1-10

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Our God Reigns

Theme: The Cup of God’s Wrath
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded that God is sovereign over all things, and he will execute justice and judgment in his own time.
Scripture: Psalm 75:1-10

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Our God Reigns

Theme: The Psalmist’s Testimony and Ours
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded that God is sovereign over all things, and he will execute justice and judgment in his own time.
Scripture: Psalm 75:1-10

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: Remembering

Theme: When God Seems Far Away
In this week’s lessons we are reminded that when we are discouraged and God seems distant, we are to remember who God is, what he has done in the past, and what he promises to do in the future.
Scripture: Psalm 77:1-20

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Remembering

Theme: The Beginning of the Psalmist’s Shift
In this week’s lessons we are reminded that when we are discouraged and God seems distant, we are to remember who God is, what he has done in the past, and what he promises to do in the future. 
Scripture: Psalm 77:1-20

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: Remembering

Theme: Asking Questions
In this week’s lessons we are reminded that when we are discouraged and God seems distant, we are to remember who God is, what he has done in the past, and what he promises to do in the future.
Scripture: Psalm 77:1-20

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Remembering

Theme: Three Important Matters
In this week’s lessons we are reminded that when we are discouraged and God seems distant, we are to remember who God is, what he has done in the past, and what he promises to do in the future.
Scripture: Psalm 77:1-20

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Friday: Remembering

Theme: The Loving God
In this week’s lessons we are reminded that when we are discouraged and God seems distant, we are to remember who God is, what he has done in the past, and what he promises to do in the future.
Scripture: Psalm 77:1-20

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Thursday: “Where Is Their God?”

Theme: The Need for Confession
In this week’s lessons we learn that when hard times come, we are to wait upon and praise the Lord with expectant hope.
Scripture: Psalm 79:1-13
We continue looking at the four important questions, confessions or statements in this passage of Psalm 79. Yesterday we looked at the first two, and today we pick up with the second two.

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Friday: “Where Is Their God?”

Theme: Looking Ahead with Hope and Confidence
In this week’s lessons we learn that when hard times come, we are to wait upon and praise the Lord with expectant hope.
Scripture: Psalm 79:1-13

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Monday: “If My People…”

Theme: The Need to Worship God Rightly
In this week’s lessons, Psalm 81 serves as a warning to take care that our worship is of the true God, and in the right way.
Scripture: Psalm 81:1-16

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: “If My People…”

Theme: The Very Heart of This Psalm
In this week’s lessons, Psalm 81 serves as a warning to take care that our worship is of the true God, and in the right way.
Scripture: Psalm 81:1-16

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Wednesday: “If My People…”

Theme: No Other Gods
In this week’s lessons, Psalm 81 serves as a warning to take care that our worship is of the true God, and in the right way.
Scripture: Psalm 81:1-16
A short time ago I came across an article in the magazine First Things by Robert L. Wilken, a professor of the history of Christianity at the University of Virginia. It was titled “No Other Gods” and it was a moving attempt to apply the first commandment to our times.

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Not to Worry: Part 1, Day 2

Theme: The Quiet Spirit
In this week’s lessons we look at a psalm that contains some of the best-loved verses in the Old Testament, and learn what mature Christian living looks like.
Scripture: Psalm 37:1-20
The first eleven verses are the most direct exposition of the third beatitude, which is where they end. They describe the quiet spirit of one who trusts in God and does not fret because of evil men.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: “If My People…”

Theme: Lacking a Knowledge of God by the People of God
In this week’s lessons, Psalm 81 serves as a warning to take care that our worship is of the true God, and in the right way.
Scripture: Psalm 81:1-16

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Friday: “If My People…”

Theme: When We Listen and Obey
In this week’s lessons, Psalm 81 serves as a warning to take care that our worship is of the true God, and in the right way.
Scripture: Psalm 81:1-16

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: All “Gods” Judged by God

Theme: Judges Called to Account
From this week’s lessons we learn that government is given by God for the good of its people, and those who rule are responsible to act justly.
Scripture: Psalm 82:1-8

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: All “Gods” Judged by God

Theme: The Meaning of “Gods”
From this week’s lessons we learn that government is given by God for the good of its people, and those who rule are responsible to act justly.
Scripture: Psalm 82:1-8
What is the meaning of “gods” in this passage? Yesterday we considered the possibility that “gods” refers to human judges. Today we consider another possibility.

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: All “Gods” Judged by God

Theme: Authority Both Established and Limited
From this week’s lessons we learn that government is given by God for the good of its people, and those who rule are responsible to act justly.
Scripture: Psalm 82:1-8
We have already looked at the first verse, but we need to return to it again briefly because it sets the scene for what follows. It is a convening of the court. It is God calling the “gods” before him to render judgment.

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Thursday: All “Gods” Judged by God

Theme: God’s Indictment of Injustice
From this week’s lessons we learn that government is given by God for the good of its people, and those who rule are responsible to act justly.
Scripture: Psalm 82:1-8

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Monday: A Time to Enjoy and Give Thanks

Theme: A Time to Work
This week’s lessons help us to celebrate Thanksgiving properly by impressing upon us the importance of continually expressing genuine thanks to the Lord for all his blessings.
Scripture: Nehemiah 8:10

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: A Time to Enjoy and Give Thanks

Theme: A Time to Weep
This week’s lessons help us to celebrate Thanksgiving properly by impressing upon us the importance of continually expressing genuine thanks to the Lord for all his blessings.
Scripture: Nehemiah 8:10
The most striking of all these good but untimely activities was the time for weeping over sin that had begun as the people had attended to the reading of God’s law and was yet to continue in what became a great national movement of revival.

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: A Time to Enjoy and Give Thanks

Theme: A Time to Share
This week’s lessons help us to celebrate Thanksgiving properly by impressing upon us the importance of continually expressing genuine thanks to the Lord for all his blessings.
Scripture: Nehemiah 8:10

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Thursday: A Time to Enjoy and Give Thanks

Theme: A Time to Pray
This week’s lessons help us to celebrate Thanksgiving properly by impressing upon us the importance of continually expressing genuine thanks to the Lord for all his blessings.
Scripture: Nehemiah 8:10

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: A Time to Enjoy and Give Thanks

Theme: Giving Thanks for All Things
This week’s lessons help us to celebrate Thanksgiving properly by impressing upon us the importance of continually expressing genuine thanks to the Lord for all his blessings.
Scripture: Nehemiah 8:10

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Monday: The Encircling Foe

Theme: When God Seems to Do Nothing
From this week’s lessons, we see that when we are wrongly attacked, we are not to seek vengeance, but instead are to entrust ourselves and the situation to God.
Scripture: Psalm 83:1-18

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Tuesday: The Encircling Foe

Theme: Surrounded by Enemies
From this week’s lessons, we see that when we are wrongly attacked, we are not to seek vengeance, but instead are to entrust ourselves and the situation to God.
Scripture: Psalm 83:1-18

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Wednesday: The Encircling Foe

Theme: Preservation in the Midst of Persecution
From this week’s lessons, we see that when we are wrongly attacked, we are not to seek vengeance, but instead are to entrust ourselves and the situation to God.
Scripture: Psalm 83:1-18

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Thursday: The Encircling Foe

Theme: Appealing for God’s Judgment
From this week’s lessons, we see that when we are wrongly attacked, we are not to seek vengeance, but instead are to entrust ourselves and the situation to God.
Scripture: Psalm 83:1-18

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Friday: The Encircling Foe

Theme: Praying for Grace
From this week’s lessons, we see that when we are wrongly attacked, we are not to seek vengeance, but instead are to entrust ourselves and the situation to God.
Scripture: Psalm 83:1-18

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Tuesday: The Psalm of the Janitors

Theme: Security in the Lord
In this week’s lessons we are reminded of the need to long after God, who delights in his people as they trust in him.
Scripture: Psalm 84:1-12
As I have read over the various commentaries on this psalm, I sense that the understanding of it that I shared yesterday eliminates a lot of the scholarly barnacles that surround it and opens it up to us in fresh ways.

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Wednesday: The Psalm of the Janitors

Theme: Of Sparrows and Swallows
In this week’s lessons we are reminded of the need to long after God, who delights in his people as they trust in him.
Scripture: Psalm 84:1-12
There are probably some poetic overtones to the mention of the sparrows and swallows in this psalm, and they are not inappropriate to the writer’s message. This is only to say that the imagery supports the writer’s message, as it should.

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An Upward Look by a Downcast Soul, Part 1

Monday: An Upward Look by a Downcast Soul, Scene 1
Theme: When Christians Are Depressed
In this week’s lessons we learn from the psalmist some reasons why the Lord’s people get depressed, and what their spiritual response needs to be.
Scripture: Psalms 42-43

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An Upward Look by a Downcast Soul, Part 2

Theme: Causes of Spiritual Depression
In this week’s lessons we learn from the psalmist some reasons why the Lord’s people get depressed, and what their spiritual response needs to be.
Scripture: Psalms 42-43
These two psalms give at least six reasons for depression, and they indicate the cure. What are the causes of spiritual depression? There are undoubtedly more than these psalms list, but the place to begin is with the causes that are given.

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Thursday: When Righteousness and Peace Meet

Theme: Waiting for God’s Answer
In this week’s lessons we find encouragement from the knowledge of God’s past faithfulness, and the hope of future blessings because of who he is.
Scripture: Psalm 85:1-13
Having reminded himself of God’s past mercies and having prayed for a renewal of those mercies in his own day, what does the psalmist do next? He does what Habakkuk did in a nearly identical situation. He waits for God to answer (vv. 8, 9). The text says, “I will listen to what God the LORD will say.”

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Friday: When Righteousness and Peace Meet

Theme: The Harmony That Only God Can Bring
In this week’s lessons we find encouragement from the knowledge of God’s past faithfulness, and the hope of future blessings because of who he is.
Scripture: Psalm 85:1-13

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Monday: Isn’t It Absurd?

Theme: Questions about Christ’s Birth
In this week’s Christmas lessons, we reflect on the wonder of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of God’s great love for lost and helpless sinners.
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38

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Wednesday: Isn’t It Absurd?

Theme: Why the God-Man?
In this week’s Christmas lessons, we reflect on the wonder of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of God’s great love for lost and helpless sinners.
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38
The great medieval theologian, Anselm of Canterbury, wrestled with this idea of the necessity of God becoming man. In fact, it is the title of his well-known book, Cur Deus Homo (Latin for “Why the God-Man?”).

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Isn’t It Absurd?

Theme: Our Need for Redemption
In this week’s Christmas lessons, we reflect on the wonder of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of God’s great love for lost and helpless sinners.
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Isn’t It Absurd?

Theme: Why Did God Do It?
In this week’s Christmas lessons, we reflect on the wonder of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of God’s great love for lost and helpless sinners.
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38

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Monday: The Word Incarnate

Theme: A Startling Idea
From this week’s Christmas study, we look carefully at the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, and how it fulfills the Old Testament tabernacle.
Scripture: John 1:14

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: The Word Incarnate

Theme: The Tabernacling of God
From this week’s Christmas study, we look carefully at the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, and how it fulfills the Old Testament tabernacle.
Scripture: John 1:14

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Wednesday: The Word Incarnate

Theme: Jesus and the Law
From this week’s Christmas study, we look carefully at the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, and how it fulfills the Old Testament tabernacle.
Scripture: John 1:14

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Thursday: The Word Incarnate

Theme: Revelation and Sacrifice
From this week’s Christmas study, we look carefully at the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, and how it fulfills the Old Testament tabernacle.
Scripture: John 1:14

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Monday: An Appeal to the Compassionate God

There are psalms of David in every book of the Psalter, but we have come near the end of the Psalter’s third book and have not had a psalm of David, until now. And characteristic of David, it is an appeal for mercy based on the character of God.

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Tuesday: An Appeal to the Compassionate God

What are David’s requests? There are a lot of them, fifteen in all, as I said yesterday. He asks God to “hear” and “answer” (v. 1), “guard” and “save” (v. 2), “have mercy” (v. 3), “bring joy” (v. 4), “hear” and “listen” (v. 6), “teach me” and “give me an undivided heart” (v. 11), “turn,” “have mercy,” “grant…strength” and “save” (v. 16), and “give me a sign of your goodness” (v. 17).

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Thursday: An Appeal to the Compassionate God

When Moses began to pray, his first request was that he might know God. He had been with God on the mountain twice for forty days at a time, but he still yearned to know God better: “If I have found favor in your eyes, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you” (Exod. 33:13). This is a petition every Christian should make often.

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Monday: Zion, City of Our God

Theme: Citizens of Zion
In this week’s lessons we look at the nature of the church, which is itself a picture of the eternal City of Zion, of which every Christian is a citizen. 
Scripture: Psalm 87:1-7

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Tuesday: Zion, City of Our God

Theme: The Church on Earth and the Church in Heaven
In this week’s lessons we look at the nature of the church, which is itself a picture of the eternal City of Zion, of which every Christian is a citizen. 
Scripture: Psalm 87:1-7

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Wednesday: Zion, City of Our God

Theme: True Spiritual Brotherhood
In this week’s lessons we look at the nature of the church, which is itself a picture of the eternal City of Zion, of which every Christian is a citizen. 
Scripture: Psalm 87:1-7

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Zion, City of Our God

Theme: Born in Zion
In this week’s lessons we look at the nature of the church, which is itself a picture of the eternal City of Zion, of which every Christian is a citizen. 
Scripture: Psalm 87:1-7
Two things are said of those who will be brought to the worship of God in the days the psalmist envisions.

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Friday: Zion, City of Our God

Theme: Fountains of Blessing
In this week’s lessons we look at the nature of the church, which is itself a picture of the eternal City of Zion, of which every Christian is a citizen. 
Scripture: Psalm 87:1-7

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Monday: The Dark Night of the Soul

Theme: A Psalm for the Hopeless
From this psalm, we see that life does not always have happy endings. Nevertheless, we can trust God in the midst of great sorrow and suffering because of what he tells us about himself in his Word, and that he promises to work in the lives of those whom he loves.
Scripture: Psalm 88:1-18

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Tuesday: The Dark Night of the Soul

Theme: A Prayer to the God Who Saves
From this psalm, we see that life does not always have happy endings. Nevertheless, we can trust God in the midst of great sorrow and suffering because of what he tells us about himself in his Word, and that he promises to work in the lives of those whom he loves.
Scripture: Psalm 88:1-18

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Wednesday: The Dark Night of the Soul

Theme: Darkness All Around
From this psalm, we see that life does not always have happy endings. Nevertheless, we can trust God in the midst of great sorrow and suffering because of what he tells us about himself in his Word, and that he promises to work in the lives of those whom he loves.
Scripture: Psalm 88:1-18

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Thursday: The Dark Night of the Soul

Theme: When the Light Is Fading
From this psalm, we see that life does not always have happy endings. Nevertheless, we can trust God in the midst of great sorrow and suffering because of what he tells us about himself in his Word, and that he promises to work in the lives of those whom he loves.
Scripture: Psalm 88:1-18

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Friday: The Dark Night of the Soul

Theme: Trusting to the End
From this psalm, we see that life does not always have happy endings. Nevertheless, we can trust God in the midst of great sorrow and suffering because of what he tells us about himself in his Word, and that he promises to work in the lives of those whom he loves.
Scripture: Psalm 88:1-18

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Friday: Our Covenant-Keeping God, Part 1

Theme: God’s Faithfulness Seen in Discipline
This week’s lessons teach us about God’s faithfulness, promised in his Word and demonstrated in our own experience of his covenant love.
Scripture: Psalm 89:1-37
Verses 19-29 are essentially a commentary on 2 Samuel 7. This stanza highlights six critical features of God’s covenant with David, three of which we looked at yesterday, and the remaining three of which we take up today.

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Tuesday: Our Covenant-Keeping God, Part 2

Theme: God Does All Things Well
In this week’s lessons we learn that although at times it can seem as if there is a gap between God’s promises and reality, God is unchanging in his faithfulness.
Scripture: Psalm 89:38-52

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Thursday: Our Covenant-Keeping God, Part 2

Theme: The God Who Changes Not
In this week’s lessons we learn that although at times it can seem as if there is a gap between God’s promises and reality, God is unchanging in his faithfulness.
Scripture: Psalm 89:38-52

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Friday: Our Covenant-Keeping God, Part 2

Theme: Our Only Comfort in Life and in Death
In this week’s lessons we learn that although at times it can seem as if there is a gap between God’s promises and reality, God is unchanging in his faithfulness.
Scripture: Psalm 89:38-52
Today we continue our discussion of six ways in which God does not change, as outlined in J. I. Packer’s book, Knowing God.
4. God’s ways do not change. As Packer writes

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: A Sober “Song of Moses”

Theme: A Serious and Personal Psalm
This week’s psalm shows us how to look at our earthly life from the Bible’s point of view, with God as the center and focus of it.
Scripture: Psalm 90:1-17

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: A Sober “Song of Moses”

Theme: Our Only Sure Foundation
This week’s psalm shows us how to look at our earthly life from the Bible’s point of view, with God as the center and focus of it.
Scripture: Psalm 90:1-17
Yesterday we looked at the first circumstance arising from Numbers 20, that of the death of Miriam. Today we continue with two others.

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Friday: A Sober “Song of Moses”

Theme: Three Petitions
This week’s psalm shows us how to look at our earthly life from the Bible’s point of view, with God as the center and focus of it.
Scripture: Psalm 90:1-17
Backing up to verse 12, we find three petitions in this closing section of the psalm.

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Thursday: Under the Shadow of God’s Wings

Theme: The Believer’s Responsibility
In this week’s lessons, we learn what it means to trust fully in God, and what the blessings are for those who do.
Scripture: Psalm 91:1-16
Much of what is found in the third stanza of this psalm (vv. 9-11) is like what we have seen already. It tells us that “no harm will befall” us, and that “no disaster will come near your tent” (v. 10). But there are a few new elements.

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Thursday: A Psalm for the Sabbath

Theme: Those Who Do Not Praise God
From this week’s lessons, we see the need for the righteous to praise God continually.
Scripture: Psalm 92:1-15
Having said a great deal about the value, reasons for and methods of worshiping God, the psalm next introduces a contrast with the case of those who, unlike the psalmist, do not know or praise God (vv. 5-9). I call this the silence of the senseless, because that is what the writer himself calls them in verse 6. There are two things wrong with them.

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Friday: A Psalm for the Sabbath

Theme: Three Important Statements
From this week’s lessons, we see the need for the righteous to praise God continually.
Scripture: Psalm 92:1-15
In Psalm 92, the psalmist states three things about those who truly know and worship God.

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Monday: A Psalm to God as King

Theme: God’s Rule
In this week’s lessons we see what it means for God to reign over all.
Scripture: Psalm 93:1-5
Psalm 93 is the first of a group of eight psalms dealing with the kingly reign of God, that is, with a theocracy. So let me begin our study with two questions about the word “theocracy.” First, where does the word come from, and who was the first person in history to use the term? Second, what does “theocracy” mean?

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Tuesday: A Psalm to God as King

Theme: God’s Majesty and Power
In this week’s lessons we see what it means for God to reign over all.
Scripture: Psalm 93:1-5
The first two verses of the psalm speak of the nature of God’s reign, introducing four characteristics of God’s kingly rule which are at the same time four important attributes of God. These are stated in strong poetic language, involving blatant repetitions in nearly every case, a particularly bold form of Hebrew parallelism.

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Wednesday: A Psalm to God as King

Theme: His Immutability and Eternity
In this week’s lessons we see what it means for God to reign over all.
Scripture: Psalm 93:1-5
As we saw in yesterday’s study, the first two verses of the psalm speak of the nature of God’s reign. We began our look at four characteristics of God’s kingly rule with the majesty of God and the power of God. In today’s study we look at two more characteristics of God.

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Monday: Our Covenant-Keeping God, Part 2

Theme: When God’s Faithfulness Seems Hidden
In this week’s lessons we learn that although at times it can seem as if there is a gap between God’s promises and reality, God is unchanging in his faithfulness.
Scripture: Psalm 89:38-52

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Tuesday: All Hearts Open, All Desires Known

Theme: God’s Vengeance
In this week’s lessons we are reminded that in his time the Lord will both punish the wicked and vindicate the righteous.
Scripture: Psalm 94:1-23
The problem some people will have with these verses from Psalm 94 is that they use the word “vengeance,” and they do not like this word.

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Thursday: All Hearts Open, All Desires Known

Theme: The Life-Sustaining Word
In this week’s lessons we are reminded that in his time the Lord will both punish the wicked and vindicate the righteous.
Scripture: Psalm 94:1-23
Four things are promised to God’s people in verses 12-15. Yesterday we looked at the first promise, relief from days of trouble. Today we examine three more.

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Friday: All Hearts Open, All Desires Known

Theme: Living by Faith
In this week’s lessons we are reminded that in his time the Lord will both punish the wicked and vindicate the righteous.
Scripture: Psalm 94:1-23
The last stanza of Psalm 94 gets back to where it started, with God as the Judge of all the earth (vv. 20-23). The corrupt judgment thrones of this earth cannot be allied with the upright throne of heaven. Thus, the psalmist looks for the day when the Judge of the earth will rise to destroy the wicked for their sins against the righteous.

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Monday: How to Worship God

Theme: Rediscovering Worship
In this week’s lessons, we learn how and why to worship God, and also see the need to respond rightly to the gospel while there is still time.
Scripture: Psalm 95:1-11

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Tuesday: How to Worship God

Theme: Forms of Worship
In this week’s lessons, we learn how and why to worship God, and also see the need to respond rightly to the gospel while there is still time.
Scripture: Psalm 95:1-11
Psalm 95 suggests some of the forms of worship we can enjoy.

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Wednesday: How to Worship God

Theme: Why We Should Worship God
In this week’s lessons, we learn how and why to worship God, and also see the need to respond rightly to the gospel while there is still time.
Scripture: Psalm 95:1-11
We have seen a few ways in which we can worship God. Let’s ask why we should worship him. The next stanzas give two important reasons.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: How to Worship God

Theme: An Unexpected Warning
In this week’s lessons, we learn how and why to worship God, and also see the need to respond rightly to the gospel while there is still time.
Scripture: Psalm 95:1-11

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: How to Worship God

Theme: “Today, if you hear his voice…”
In this week’s lessons, we learn how and why to worship God, and also see the need to respond rightly to the gospel while there is still time.
Scripture: Psalm 95:1-11

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Worship in the Splendor of God’s Holiness

Theme: A New Song
In this week’s lessons, we learn how to worship God, who is the one true God who rules over all, both now and forever.
Scripture: Psalm 96:1-13
As we saw yesterday, Psalm 96 provides a model of how we can praise God. There are two things to notice especially.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Worship in the Splendor of God’s Holiness

Theme: Giving God Glory
In this week’s lessons, we learn how to worship God, who is the one true God who rules over all, both now and forever.
Scripture: Psalm 96:1-13
Derek Kidner calls the third stanza of this four-part poem “The King’s Due,” which is a good description since it is about the glory due God for his greatness (vv. 7-9).

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: The Awesome God

Theme: The Comfort of God’s Sovereignty
From this psalm, we are reminded that because God is sovereign and righteous, we are to hate sin and rejoice in him.
Scripture: Psalm 97:1-12

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: The Awesome God

Theme: When God Manifests Himself
From this psalm, we are reminded that because God is sovereign and righteous, we are to hate sin and rejoice in him.
Scripture: Psalm 97:1-12

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: The Awesome God

Theme: Worship the Lord Only
From this psalm, we are reminded that because God is sovereign and righteous, we are to hate sin and rejoice in him.
Scripture: Psalm 97:1-12

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: The Awesome God

Theme: God’s Righteous Judgment
From this psalm, we are reminded that because God is sovereign and righteous, we are to hate sin and rejoice in him.
Scripture: Psalm 97:1-12

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: The Awesome God

Theme: Loving God and Hating Sin
From this psalm, we are reminded that because God is sovereign and righteous, we are to hate sin and rejoice in him.
Scripture: Psalm 97:1-12

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: An Exuberant Praise Psalm

Theme: The Expansion of Worship
In this week’s lessons, we see that all creation is called upon to praise the Lord.
Scripture: Psalm 98:1-9
There is a well-known and frequently quoted passage in Ecclesiastes that declares, “There is a time for everything,…a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance” (Eccles. 3:1, 4).

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: An Exuberant Praise Psalm

Theme: Our Need for Deliverance
In this week’s lessons, we see that all creation is called upon to praise the Lord.
Scripture: Psalm 98:1-9
Each of the three stanzas of this psalm calls on one part of creation to praise God, and in the first stanza this is Israel (vv. 1-3). This is because, “He [God] has remembered his love and his faithfulness to the house of Israel” (v. 3).

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: An Exuberant Praise Psalm

Theme: A Great Victory!
In this week’s lessons, we see that all creation is called upon to praise the Lord.
Scripture: Psalm 98:1-9
As we read yesterday, the New Testament reveals three kinds of deliverance. We have already looked at the first kind, deliverance from sin.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: Holy, Holy, Holy

Theme: The Holy, Holy, Holy Psalm
In this week’s lessons, we learn of God’s holiness, and of what our response ought to be in light of it.
Scripture: Psalm 99:1-9

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Holy, Holy, Holy

Theme: The Lord on His Throne
In this week’s lessons, we learn of God’s holiness, and of what our response ought to be in light of it.
Scripture: Psalm 99:1-9

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: Holy, Holy, Holy

Theme: Four Contributing Elements
In this week’s lessons, we learn of God’s holiness, and of what our response ought to be in light of it.
Scripture: Psalm 99:1-9
As we saw in yesterday’s study, holiness is the characteristic of God that sets him apart from his creation. It has at least four contributing elements:

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Holy, Holy, Holy

Theme: Worshiping at His Footstool
In this week’s lessons, we learn of God’s holiness, and of what our response ought to be in light of it.
Scripture: Psalm 99:1-9

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Holy, Holy, Holy

Theme: Three Important Consequences
In this week’s lessons, we learn of God’s holiness, and of what our response ought to be in light of it.
Scripture: Psalm 99:1-9
The final section of this three-part psalm (the last two stanzas in the New International Version) breaks away from heaven to speak of three past leaders of Israel—Moses, Aaron and Samuel, and of the wilderness experience of the people, when God “spoke to them from the pillar of cloud” (vv. 6, 7).

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: The Psalm for Giving Thanks

Theme: “Old Hundredth”
In this week’s lessons we are reminded of the many reasons for which to thank God.
Scripture: Psalm 100:1-5
It is a striking fact about the one hundredth psalm that it is the only one in the Psalter explicitly identified as “a psalm for giving thanks.” The words occur in the heading with which the psalm starts.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: The Psalm for Giving Thanks

Theme: “We Are His People”
In this week’s lessons we are reminded of the many reasons for which to thank God.
Scripture: Psalm 100:1-5
A point we need to notice about verse 3 is the implication of the words “he…made us.” If it is really God who has made us, not ourselves, and if we are his because he made us, then we are his to do with as seems best to him.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: Pattern for an Upright Administration

Theme: A Psalm of David
From this week’s lessons, we learn what virtues to practice and vices to reject in order to be the kind of godly leaders and servants God has called us to be.
Scripture: Psalm 101:1-8
It has been some time since we have come across a psalm attributed to David. The last one was Psalm 86, and this is the first in book four of the Psalter, though there is also one yet to come (Psalm 103).

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Pattern for an Upright Administration

Theme: Vices to Be Rejected
From this week’s lessons, we learn what virtues to practice and vices to reject in order to be the kind of godly leaders and servants God has called us to be.
Scripture: Psalm 101:1-8
As we saw yesterday, David, having affirmed the positive virtues in this psalm, also rejects the negatives. We have already looked at two vices suggested by these stanzas—faithless men and men of perverse heart—and continue with two more.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: Frailty Anchored in Eternity

Theme: Fervent Prayer in Great Need
In this week’s lessons, we learn how great suffering should turn us toward God, and then cause our prayers to also include God’s work in the lives of others.
Scripture: Psalm 102:1-28
One of the splendid delusions of the young is that they think they are immortal. No matter how recklessly they drive, no matter how many drugs they take or physical dangers they expose themselves to, they do not believe that anything bad can happen to them.

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Frailty Anchored in Eternity

Theme: When Troubles Abound
In this week’s lessons, we learn how great suffering should turn us toward God, and then cause our prayers to also include God’s work in the lives of others.
Scripture: Psalm 102:1-28

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: Frailty Anchored in Eternity

Theme: Resting in God’s Sovereignty
In this week’s lessons, we learn how great suffering should turn us toward God, and then cause our prayers to also include God’s work in the lives of others.
Scripture: Psalm 102:1-28

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Frailty Anchored in Eternity

Theme: Praying for Others
In this week’s lessons, we learn how great suffering should turn us toward God, and then cause our prayers to also include God’s work in the lives of others.
Scripture: Psalm 102:1-28

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Frailty Anchored in Eternity

Theme: Anchored in the Lord Jesus Christ
In this week’s lessons, we learn how great suffering should turn us toward God, and then cause our prayers to also include God’s work in the lives of others.
Scripture: Psalm 102:1-28
Today we continue our look at four separate things for which the psalmist prays.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: God and God’s Creation

Theme: God’s Pleasure in His Creation
In this week’s lessons, we see that not only does creation rejoice in God its Creator, but also God himself takes joy in what he has made.
Scripture: Psalm 104:1-35
Psalm 104 is a splendid praise psalm, one of the finest in the Psalter. The first part (vv. 1-30) follows the account of creation in Genesis 1 in a general way and shows how the entire cosmos rejoices in its good God. The second, surprising part (vv. 31-35) shows God rejoicing in his creation.

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: God and God’s Creation

Theme: God’s Design in Creation
In this week’s lessons, we see that not only does creation rejoice in God its Creator, but also God himself takes joy in what he has made.
Scripture: Psalm 104:1-35

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: God and God’s Creation

Theme: The God Who Sustains and Provides
In this week’s lessons, we see that not only does creation rejoice in God its Creator, but also God himself takes joy in what he has made.
Scripture: Psalm 104:1-35

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: God and God’s Creation

Theme: Creation’s Joy in God
In this week’s lessons, we see that not only does creation rejoice in God its Creator, but also God himself takes joy in what he has made.
Scripture: Psalm 104:1-35

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: God and God’s Creation

Theme: The Psalm’s Surprise
In this week’s lessons, we see that not only does creation rejoice in God its Creator, but also God himself takes joy in what he has made.
Scripture: Psalm 104:1-35
At the very end of the psalm we come to what I referred to once before this week as its “surprising” second part. Here God is said to rejoice in his creation, just as the creation has already been said to rejoice in God.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 1

Theme: Peril, Deliverance, and Praise
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:1-32

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 1

Theme: Homeless Wandering
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:1-32
Charles Spurgeon wrote that the theme of the psalm is “thanksgiving and the motives for it.”1 That is well said, for thanksgiving is the note struck in the opening verses (vv. 1-3) as well as in the refrain of verses 8-9, 15-16, 21-22 and 31-32.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 1

Theme: Deliverance from Physical and Spiritual Sickness
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:1-32

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 1

Theme: Living Sacrifices
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:1-32

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 2

Theme: An Example from History
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:33-43

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 2

Theme: A Pattern of Hard Times and Blessing
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:33-43

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 2

Theme: Reverence and an Eternal Perspective
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:33-43
Even for the righteous, God sends sorrow as well as joy, hardship as well as material blessing. Today we begin our look at four uses of this doctrine.

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 2

Theme: The Need for Repentance and Thanksgiving
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:33-43
Today we conclude our look at the four purposes of the doctrine that even for the righteous, God sends sorrow as well as joy, and hardship as well as material blessing.

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: A Warrior’s Morning Song

Theme: Confidence in God’s Word
This week’s lessons show us that because God is faithful, we are to praise him and live in confident hope.
Scripture: Psalm 108:1-13
The second section of the psalm contains a prayer to God to save, help and deliver those who have been attacked, probably by the Edomites (v. 6), followed by God’s answer in the form of an oracle (vv. 7-9). The oracle follows so closely upon the appeal that we know that faith has already won a victory, just as in Psalm 60 from which these words are taken.

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The Alliance is a coalition of believers who hold to the historic creeds and confessions of the Reformed faith and proclaim biblical doctrine in order to foster a Reformed awakening in today’s Church.

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