
The Book of Psalms

Friday: All Hearts Open, All Desires Known

Theme: Living by Faith
In this week’s lessons we are reminded that in his time the Lord will both punish the wicked and vindicate the righteous.
Scripture: Psalm 94:1-23
The last stanza of Psalm 94 gets back to where it started, with God as the Judge of all the earth (vv. 20-23). The corrupt judgment thrones of this earth cannot be allied with the upright throne of heaven. Thus, the psalmist looks for the day when the Judge of the earth will rise to destroy the wicked for their sins against the righteous.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: How to Worship God

Theme: Rediscovering Worship
In this week’s lessons, we learn how and why to worship God, and also see the need to respond rightly to the gospel while there is still time.
Scripture: Psalm 95:1-11

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: How to Worship God

Theme: Forms of Worship
In this week’s lessons, we learn how and why to worship God, and also see the need to respond rightly to the gospel while there is still time.
Scripture: Psalm 95:1-11
Psalm 95 suggests some of the forms of worship we can enjoy.

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: How to Worship God

Theme: Why We Should Worship God
In this week’s lessons, we learn how and why to worship God, and also see the need to respond rightly to the gospel while there is still time.
Scripture: Psalm 95:1-11
We have seen a few ways in which we can worship God. Let’s ask why we should worship him. The next stanzas give two important reasons.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: How to Worship God

Theme: An Unexpected Warning
In this week’s lessons, we learn how and why to worship God, and also see the need to respond rightly to the gospel while there is still time.
Scripture: Psalm 95:1-11

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: How to Worship God

Theme: “Today, if you hear his voice…”
In this week’s lessons, we learn how and why to worship God, and also see the need to respond rightly to the gospel while there is still time.
Scripture: Psalm 95:1-11

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Worship in the Splendor of God’s Holiness

Theme: A New Song
In this week’s lessons, we learn how to worship God, who is the one true God who rules over all, both now and forever.
Scripture: Psalm 96:1-13
As we saw yesterday, Psalm 96 provides a model of how we can praise God. There are two things to notice especially.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Worship in the Splendor of God’s Holiness

Theme: Giving God Glory
In this week’s lessons, we learn how to worship God, who is the one true God who rules over all, both now and forever.
Scripture: Psalm 96:1-13
Derek Kidner calls the third stanza of this four-part poem “The King’s Due,” which is a good description since it is about the glory due God for his greatness (vv. 7-9).

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: The Awesome God

Theme: The Comfort of God’s Sovereignty
From this psalm, we are reminded that because God is sovereign and righteous, we are to hate sin and rejoice in him.
Scripture: Psalm 97:1-12

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: The Awesome God

Theme: When God Manifests Himself
From this psalm, we are reminded that because God is sovereign and righteous, we are to hate sin and rejoice in him.
Scripture: Psalm 97:1-12

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: The Awesome God

Theme: Worship the Lord Only
From this psalm, we are reminded that because God is sovereign and righteous, we are to hate sin and rejoice in him.
Scripture: Psalm 97:1-12

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: The Awesome God

Theme: God’s Righteous Judgment
From this psalm, we are reminded that because God is sovereign and righteous, we are to hate sin and rejoice in him.
Scripture: Psalm 97:1-12

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: The Awesome God

Theme: Loving God and Hating Sin
From this psalm, we are reminded that because God is sovereign and righteous, we are to hate sin and rejoice in him.
Scripture: Psalm 97:1-12

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: An Exuberant Praise Psalm

Theme: The Expansion of Worship
In this week’s lessons, we see that all creation is called upon to praise the Lord.
Scripture: Psalm 98:1-9
There is a well-known and frequently quoted passage in Ecclesiastes that declares, “There is a time for everything,…a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance” (Eccles. 3:1, 4).

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: An Exuberant Praise Psalm

Theme: Our Need for Deliverance
In this week’s lessons, we see that all creation is called upon to praise the Lord.
Scripture: Psalm 98:1-9
Each of the three stanzas of this psalm calls on one part of creation to praise God, and in the first stanza this is Israel (vv. 1-3). This is because, “He [God] has remembered his love and his faithfulness to the house of Israel” (v. 3).

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: An Exuberant Praise Psalm

Theme: A Great Victory!
In this week’s lessons, we see that all creation is called upon to praise the Lord.
Scripture: Psalm 98:1-9
As we read yesterday, the New Testament reveals three kinds of deliverance. We have already looked at the first kind, deliverance from sin.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: Holy, Holy, Holy

Theme: The Holy, Holy, Holy Psalm
In this week’s lessons, we learn of God’s holiness, and of what our response ought to be in light of it.
Scripture: Psalm 99:1-9

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Holy, Holy, Holy

Theme: The Lord on His Throne
In this week’s lessons, we learn of God’s holiness, and of what our response ought to be in light of it.
Scripture: Psalm 99:1-9

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: Holy, Holy, Holy

Theme: Four Contributing Elements
In this week’s lessons, we learn of God’s holiness, and of what our response ought to be in light of it.
Scripture: Psalm 99:1-9
As we saw in yesterday’s study, holiness is the characteristic of God that sets him apart from his creation. It has at least four contributing elements:

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Holy, Holy, Holy

Theme: Worshiping at His Footstool
In this week’s lessons, we learn of God’s holiness, and of what our response ought to be in light of it.
Scripture: Psalm 99:1-9

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Holy, Holy, Holy

Theme: Three Important Consequences
In this week’s lessons, we learn of God’s holiness, and of what our response ought to be in light of it.
Scripture: Psalm 99:1-9
The final section of this three-part psalm (the last two stanzas in the New International Version) breaks away from heaven to speak of three past leaders of Israel—Moses, Aaron and Samuel, and of the wilderness experience of the people, when God “spoke to them from the pillar of cloud” (vv. 6, 7).

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The Book of Luke

Monday: When He Saw the City, He Wept

Theme: From Tears to Joy
In this week’s lessons, we look at a moving event in the life of Jesus just before his arrest and crucifixion, when he weeps for the city of Jerusalem over its rejection of Him.
Scripture: Luke 19:41, 42

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The Book of Luke

Tuesday: When He Saw the City, He Wept

Theme: When Jesus Wept for a City
In this week’s lessons, we look at a moving event in the life of Jesus just before his arrest and crucifixion, when he weeps for the city of Jerusalem over its rejection of Him.
Scripture: Luke 19:41, 42

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The Book of Luke

Wednesday: When He Saw the City, He Wept

Theme: The Judgment Is Coming
In this week’s lessons, we look at a moving event in the life of Jesus just before his arrest and crucifixion, when he weeps for the city of Jerusalem over its rejection of Him.
Scripture: Luke 19:41, 42

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The Book of Luke

Thursday: When He Saw the City, He Wept

Theme: Praying for Grace
In this week’s lessons, we look at a moving event in the life of Jesus just before his arrest and crucifixion, when he weeps for the city of Jerusalem over its rejection of Him.
Scripture: Luke 19:41, 42

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The Book of Luke

Friday: When He Saw the City, He Wept

Theme: Pointing Sinners to Jesus
In this week’s lessons, we look at a moving event in the life of Jesus just before his arrest and crucifixion, when he weeps for the city of Jerusalem over its rejection of Him.
Scripture: Luke 19:41, 42
Yesterday, we were talking about the need to be broken over the eternal state of the lost. I want to conclude this first application with a story from personal experience.

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The Book of Matthew

Monday: Peter Went Out and Wept

Theme: Two Dramas in One Story
In this week’s lessons, we look at the story of Peter’s denial, and see that no matter our sins, we can be forgiven and restored because of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf.
Scripture: Matthew 26:75

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The Book of Matthew

Tuesday: Peter Went Out and Wept

Theme: When Unlikely People Fall
In this week’s lessons, we look at the story of Peter’s denial, and see that no matter our sins, we can be forgiven and restored because of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf.
Scripture: Matthew 26:75

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The Book of Matthew

Wednesday: Peter Went Out and Wept

Theme: Guarding against Falling
In this week’s lessons, we look at the story of Peter’s denial, and see that no matter our sins, we can be forgiven and restored because of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf.
Scripture: Matthew 26:75

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The Book of Matthew

Thursday: Peter Went Out and Wept

Theme: The Need to Follow Closely
In this week’s lessons, we look at the story of Peter’s denial, and see that no matter our sins, we can be forgiven and restored because of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf.
Scripture: Matthew 26:75

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The Book of Matthew

Friday: Peter Went Out and Wept

Theme: The Power of Christ’s Cross
In this week’s lessons, we look at the story of Peter’s denial, and see that no matter our sins, we can be forgiven and restored because of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf.
Scripture: Matthew 26:75

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: The Psalm for Giving Thanks

Theme: “Old Hundredth”
In this week’s lessons we are reminded of the many reasons for which to thank God.
Scripture: Psalm 100:1-5
It is a striking fact about the one hundredth psalm that it is the only one in the Psalter explicitly identified as “a psalm for giving thanks.” The words occur in the heading with which the psalm starts.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: The Psalm for Giving Thanks

Theme: “We Are His People”
In this week’s lessons we are reminded of the many reasons for which to thank God.
Scripture: Psalm 100:1-5
A point we need to notice about verse 3 is the implication of the words “he…made us.” If it is really God who has made us, not ourselves, and if we are his because he made us, then we are his to do with as seems best to him.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: Pattern for an Upright Administration

Theme: A Psalm of David
From this week’s lessons, we learn what virtues to practice and vices to reject in order to be the kind of godly leaders and servants God has called us to be.
Scripture: Psalm 101:1-8
It has been some time since we have come across a psalm attributed to David. The last one was Psalm 86, and this is the first in book four of the Psalter, though there is also one yet to come (Psalm 103).

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Pattern for an Upright Administration

Theme: Vices to Be Rejected
From this week’s lessons, we learn what virtues to practice and vices to reject in order to be the kind of godly leaders and servants God has called us to be.
Scripture: Psalm 101:1-8
As we saw yesterday, David, having affirmed the positive virtues in this psalm, also rejects the negatives. We have already looked at two vices suggested by these stanzas—faithless men and men of perverse heart—and continue with two more.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: Frailty Anchored in Eternity

Theme: Fervent Prayer in Great Need
In this week’s lessons, we learn how great suffering should turn us toward God, and then cause our prayers to also include God’s work in the lives of others.
Scripture: Psalm 102:1-28
One of the splendid delusions of the young is that they think they are immortal. No matter how recklessly they drive, no matter how many drugs they take or physical dangers they expose themselves to, they do not believe that anything bad can happen to them.

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Frailty Anchored in Eternity

Theme: When Troubles Abound
In this week’s lessons, we learn how great suffering should turn us toward God, and then cause our prayers to also include God’s work in the lives of others.
Scripture: Psalm 102:1-28

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: Frailty Anchored in Eternity

Theme: Resting in God’s Sovereignty
In this week’s lessons, we learn how great suffering should turn us toward God, and then cause our prayers to also include God’s work in the lives of others.
Scripture: Psalm 102:1-28

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Frailty Anchored in Eternity

Theme: Praying for Others
In this week’s lessons, we learn how great suffering should turn us toward God, and then cause our prayers to also include God’s work in the lives of others.
Scripture: Psalm 102:1-28

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Frailty Anchored in Eternity

Theme: Anchored in the Lord Jesus Christ
In this week’s lessons, we learn how great suffering should turn us toward God, and then cause our prayers to also include God’s work in the lives of others.
Scripture: Psalm 102:1-28
Today we continue our look at four separate things for which the psalmist prays.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: God and God’s Creation

Theme: God’s Pleasure in His Creation
In this week’s lessons, we see that not only does creation rejoice in God its Creator, but also God himself takes joy in what he has made.
Scripture: Psalm 104:1-35
Psalm 104 is a splendid praise psalm, one of the finest in the Psalter. The first part (vv. 1-30) follows the account of creation in Genesis 1 in a general way and shows how the entire cosmos rejoices in its good God. The second, surprising part (vv. 31-35) shows God rejoicing in his creation.

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: God and God’s Creation

Theme: God’s Design in Creation
In this week’s lessons, we see that not only does creation rejoice in God its Creator, but also God himself takes joy in what he has made.
Scripture: Psalm 104:1-35

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: God and God’s Creation

Theme: The God Who Sustains and Provides
In this week’s lessons, we see that not only does creation rejoice in God its Creator, but also God himself takes joy in what he has made.
Scripture: Psalm 104:1-35

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: God and God’s Creation

Theme: Creation’s Joy in God
In this week’s lessons, we see that not only does creation rejoice in God its Creator, but also God himself takes joy in what he has made.
Scripture: Psalm 104:1-35

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: God and God’s Creation

Theme: The Psalm’s Surprise
In this week’s lessons, we see that not only does creation rejoice in God its Creator, but also God himself takes joy in what he has made.
Scripture: Psalm 104:1-35
At the very end of the psalm we come to what I referred to once before this week as its “surprising” second part. Here God is said to rejoice in his creation, just as the creation has already been said to rejoice in God.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 1

Theme: Peril, Deliverance, and Praise
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:1-32

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 1

Theme: Homeless Wandering
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:1-32
Charles Spurgeon wrote that the theme of the psalm is “thanksgiving and the motives for it.”1 That is well said, for thanksgiving is the note struck in the opening verses (vv. 1-3) as well as in the refrain of verses 8-9, 15-16, 21-22 and 31-32.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 1

Theme: Deliverance from Physical and Spiritual Sickness
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:1-32

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 1

Theme: Living Sacrifices
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:1-32

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 2

Theme: An Example from History
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:33-43

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 2

Theme: A Pattern of Hard Times and Blessing
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:33-43

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The Book of Joshua

A Bridge Book

Theme: The Importance of the Book of Joshua
This week’s lessons show why Joshua should be studied today, and what things God considers necessary for godly leadership.
Joshua 1:1-9
After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ assistant, “Moses my servant is dead.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 2

Theme: Reverence and an Eternal Perspective
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:33-43
Even for the righteous, God sends sorrow as well as joy, hardship as well as material blessing. Today we begin our look at four uses of this doctrine.

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: The Pilgrims’ Psalm: Part 2

Theme: The Need for Repentance and Thanksgiving
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to trust the Lord for his deliverance from our struggles, and to praise him for his goodness and mercy.
Scripture: Psalm 107:33-43
Today we conclude our look at the four purposes of the doctrine that even for the righteous, God sends sorrow as well as joy, and hardship as well as material blessing.

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The Book of John

Tuesday: Jesus and John the Baptist

Theme: John the Baptist as a Witness
In this week’s lessons, we consider how John the Baptist served as a faithful witness to Jesus, and what that means in our witnessing as well.
Scripture: John 1:19-51

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The Book of John

Wednesday: Jesus and John the Baptist

Theme: John the Baptist’s Negative Witness
In this week’s lessons, we consider how John the Baptist served as a faithful witness to Jesus, and what that means in our witnessing as well.
Scripture: John 1:19-51

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The Book of John

Thursday: Jesus and John the Baptist

Theme: Witnessing and Believing
In this week’s lessons, we consider how John the Baptist served as a faithful witness to Jesus, and what that means in our witnessing as well.
Scripture: John 1:19-51

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The Book of John

Friday: Jesus and John the Baptist

Theme: Humbling Ourselves, Exalting Christ
In this week’s lessons, we consider how John the Baptist served as a faithful witness to Jesus, and what that means in our witnessing as well.
Scripture: John 1:19-51
You see, if you and I are going to be effective witnesses, we have to spend time with the Lord Jesus Christ. Because if we spend time with him, then we will be so in love with Jesus Christ that we will instinctively want to direct men and women to him.

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The Book of John

Monday: Jesus and Nicodemus

Theme: Who Was Nicodemus?
In this week’s lessons we look at the story of Jesus and Nicodemus, and learn of the need to be born again, which can only happen by the sovereign working of God through the Holy Spirit.
Scripture: John 3:1-3

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The Book of John

Tuesday: Jesus and Nicodemus

Theme: “You Must Be Born Again”
In this week’s lessons we look at the story of Jesus and Nicodemus, and learn of the need to be born again, which can only happen by the sovereign working of God through the Holy Spirit.
Scripture: John 3:1-3

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The Book of John

Wednesday: Jesus and Nicodemus

Theme: Born of Water and Spirit
In this week’s lessons we look at the story of Jesus and Nicodemus, and learn of the need to be born again, which can only happen by the sovereign working of God through the Holy Spirit.
Scripture: John 3:1-3

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The Book of John

Thursday: Jesus and Nicodemus

Theme: The Word of God
In this week’s lessons we look at the story of Jesus and Nicodemus, and learn of the need to be born again, which can only happen by the sovereign working of God through the Holy Spirit.
Scripture: John 3:1-3
Yesterday we considered some ideas people have had about the meaning of water and spirit.

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The Book of John

Friday: Jesus and Nicodemus

Theme: The Necessity of Teaching Others
In this week’s lessons we look at the story of Jesus and Nicodemus, and learn of the need to be born again, which can only happen by the sovereign working of God through the Holy Spirit.
Scripture: John 3:1-3

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The Book of John

Monday: Jesus and the Woman of Samaria

Theme: A Great Contrast
In this week’s lessons we look at the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, and see that once the Lord brings someone to saving faith, one proof of their conversion is that they tell others.
Scripture: John 4:1-42

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The Book of John

Tuesday: Jesus and the Woman of Samaria

Theme: Living Water
In this week’s lessons we look at the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, and see that once the Lord brings someone to saving faith, one proof of their conversion is that they tell others.
Scripture: John 4:1-42

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The Book of John

Wednesday: Jesus and the Woman of Samaria

Theme: Jesus’ Approach
In this week’s lessons we look at the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, and see that once the Lord brings someone to saving faith, one proof of their conversion is that they tell others.
Scripture: John 4:1-42

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The Book of John

Thursday: Jesus and the Woman of Samaria

Theme: Worship in Spirit and Truth
In this week’s lessons we look at the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, and see that once the Lord brings someone to saving faith, one proof of their conversion is that they tell others.
Scripture: John 4:1-42

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The Book of John

Friday: Jesus and the Woman of Samaria

Theme: Witnessing to Others
In this week’s lessons we look at the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, and see that once the Lord brings someone to saving faith, one proof of their conversion is that they tell others.
Scripture: John 4:1-42

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The Book of John

Monday: Jesus and the Man Born Blind

Theme: The Light of the World
In this week’s lessons, we look at the story of the man born blind, and learn that Jesus not only heals physical blindness, but spiritual blindness as well.
Scripture: John 9:1-41

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The Book of John

Tuesday: Jesus and the Man Born Blind

Theme: Spiritual Blindness
In this week’s lessons, we look at the story of the man born blind, and learn that Jesus not only heals physical blindness, but spiritual blindness as well.
Scripture: John 9:1-41

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The Book of John

Wednesday: Jesus and the Man Born Blind

Theme: The Man’s Increasing Knowledge of Jesus
In this week’s lessons, we look at the story of the man born blind, and learn that Jesus not only heals physical blindness, but spiritual blindness as well.
Scripture: John 9:1-41

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The Book of John

Thursday: Jesus and the Man Born Blind

Theme: Two Contrasting Reactions
In this week’s lessons, we look at the story of the man born blind, and learn that Jesus not only heals physical blindness, but spiritual blindness as well.
Scripture: John 9:1-41
Yesterday, we were tracing the man’s increasing understanding of Jesus. We now want to continue to discover what the man goes on to conclude about who Jesus really is.

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The Book of John

Friday: Jesus and the Man Born Blind

Theme: Received by Jesus
In this week’s lessons, we look at the story of the man born blind, and learn that Jesus not only heals physical blindness, but spiritual blindness as well.
Scripture: John 9:1-41

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The Book of John

Monday: Jesus and Lazarus

Theme: A Striking Story
In this week’s lessons on the raising of Lazarus, we see that it points to Jesus as the only one who can take us from the state of spiritual death and make us spiritually alive.
Scripture: John 11:1-44

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The Book of John

Tuesday: Jesus and Lazarus

Theme: The Necessity of Spiritual Life
In this week’s lessons on the raising of Lazarus, we see that it points to Jesus as the only one who can take us from the state of spiritual death and make us spiritually alive.
Scripture: John 11:1-44

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The Book of John

Wednesday: Jesus and Lazarus

Theme: Moving from Spiritual Death to Spiritual Life
In this week’s lessons on the raising of Lazarus, we see that it points to Jesus as the only one who can take us from the state of spiritual death and make us spiritually alive.
Scripture: John 11:1-44

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The Book of John

Thursday: Jesus and Lazarus

Theme: Two Kinds of Calls
In this week’s lessons on the raising of Lazarus, we see that it points to Jesus as the only one who can take us from the state of spiritual death and make us spiritually alive.
Scripture: John 11:1-44

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The Book of John

Friday: Jesus and Lazarus

Theme: Living for Jesus in the midst of Death
In this week’s lessons on the raising of Lazarus, we see that it points to Jesus as the only one who can take us from the state of spiritual death and make us spiritually alive.
Scripture: John 11:1-44

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The Book of John

Monday: Jesus and Mary of Bethany

Theme: Mary’s Importance in John’s Gospel
In this week’s lessons, we learn about Mary’s love for Jesus, and see that our own love for and service of the Lord needs to be self-sacrificing as well.
Scripture: John 12:1-11

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The Book of John

Tuesday: Jesus and Mary of Bethany

Theme: The Meaning of Mary’s Action
In this week’s lessons, we learn about Mary’s love for Jesus, and see that our own love for and service of the Lord needs to be self-sacrificing as well.
Scripture: John 12:1-11

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The Book of John

Wednesday: Jesus and Mary of Bethany

Theme: Mary’s Extravagant Love
In this week’s lessons, we learn about Mary’s love for Jesus, and see that our own love for and service of the Lord needs to be self-sacrificing as well.
Scripture:John 12:1-11

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The Book of John

Thursday: Jesus and Mary of Bethany

Theme: What Mary Understood
In this week’s lessons, we learn about Mary’s love for Jesus, and see that our own love for and service of the Lord needs to be self-sacrificing as well.
Scripture: John 12:1-11

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The Book of John

Friday: Jesus and Mary of Bethany

Theme: A Lasting Memorial
In this week’s lessons, we learn about Mary’s love for Jesus, and see that our own love for and service of the Lord needs to be self-sacrificing as well.
Scripture: John 12:1-11

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The Book of John

Monday: Jesus and Pilate

Theme: Pilate the Governor
In this week’s lessons, we see that although Pilate declared Jesus innocent, nevertheless, he allowed for his crucifixion, and so failed to stand up for what was right.
Scripture: John 18:28-19:16

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The Book of John

Tuesday: Jesus and Pilate

Theme: Pilate’s Handling of the Trial
In this week’s lessons, we see that although Pilate declared Jesus innocent, nevertheless, he allowed for his crucifixion, and so failed to stand up for what was right.
Scripture: John 18:28-19:16

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The Book of John

Wednesday: Jesus and Pilate

Theme: Jesus before Pilate
In this week’s lessons, we see that although Pilate declared Jesus innocent, nevertheless, he allowed for his crucifixion, and so failed to stand up for what was right.
Scripture: John 18:28-19:16

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The Book of John

Thursday: Jesus and Pilate

Theme: Innocent, Yet Crucified
In this week’s lessons, we see that although Pilate declared Jesus innocent, nevertheless, he allowed for his crucifixion, and so failed to stand up for what was right.
Scripture: John 18:28-19:16

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The Book of John

Friday: Jesus and Pilate

Theme: A Friend in Jesus
In this week’s lessons, we see that although Pilate declared Jesus innocent, nevertheless, he allowed for his crucifixion, and so failed to stand up for what was right.
Scripture: John 18:28-19:16

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The Book of John

Monday: Jesus and Mary Magdalene

Theme: That First Easter Morning
In this week’s lessons, we look at another story unique to John’s Gospel, and see what important truths are illustrated for us in Jesus’ encounter with Mary Magdalene after his resurrection.
Scripture: John 20:1-18

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The Book of John

Tuesday: Jesus and Mary Magdalene

Theme: What Happened to Jesus?
In this week’s lessons, we look at another story unique to John’s Gospel, and see what important truths are illustrated for us in Jesus’ encounter with Mary Magdalene after his resurrection.
Scripture: John 20:1-18

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The Book of John

Wednesday: Jesus and Mary Magdalene

Theme: Mary’s Sorrow Turned to Joy
In this week’s lessons, we look at another story unique to John’s Gospel, and see what important truths are illustrated for us in Jesus’ encounter with Mary Magdalene after his resurrection.
Scripture: John 20:1-18

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The Book of John

Thursday: Jesus and Mary Magdalene

Theme: Learning from This Story
In this week’s lessons, we look at another story unique to John’s Gospel, and see what important truths are illustrated for us in Jesus’ encounter with Mary Magdalene after his resurrection.
Scripture: John 20:1-18

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The Book of John

Friday: Jesus and Mary Magdalene

Theme: The Command to Teach Others
In this week’s lessons, we look at another story unique to John’s Gospel, and see what important truths are illustrated for us in Jesus’ encounter with Mary Magdalene after his resurrection.
Scripture: John 20:1-18

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The Book of John

Monday: Jesus and Peter

Theme: The Beginning and End of John’s Gospel
In this week’s lessons, we look at Jesus’ conversation with Peter in John 21, where he restores Peter after his denial, and commissions him for useful service.
Scripture: John 21:15-22

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The Book of John

Tuesday: Jesus and Peter

Theme: Background to the Story
In this week’s lessons, we look at Jesus’ conversation with Peter in John 21, where he restores Peter after his denial, and commissions him for useful service.
Scripture: John 21:15-22

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The Book of John

Wednesday: Jesus and Peter

Theme: From Simon to Peter
In this week’s lessons, we look at Jesus’ conversation with Peter in John 21, where he restores Peter after his denial, and commissions him for useful service.
Scripture: John 21:15-22

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The Book of John

Thursday: Jesus and Peter

Theme: Jesus’ Three Questions
In this week’s lessons, we look at Jesus’ conversation with Peter in John 21, where he restores Peter after his denial, and commissions him for useful service.
Scripture: John 21:15-22

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The Book of John

Friday: Jesus and Peter

Theme: Christ’s Two Commands
In this week’s lessons, we look at Jesus’ conversation with Peter in John 21, where he restores Peter after his denial, and commissions him for useful service.
Scripture: John 21:15-22

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: A Warrior’s Morning Song

Theme: Confidence in God’s Word
This week’s lessons show us that because God is faithful, we are to praise him and live in confident hope.
Scripture: Psalm 108:1-13
The second section of the psalm contains a prayer to God to save, help and deliver those who have been attacked, probably by the Edomites (v. 6), followed by God’s answer in the form of an oracle (vv. 7-9). The oracle follows so closely upon the appeal that we know that faith has already won a victory, just as in Psalm 60 from which these words are taken.

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: A Warrior’s Morning Song

Theme: Jesus, Mighty to Save
This week’s lessons show us that because God is faithful, we are to praise him and live in confident hope.
Scripture: Psalm 108:1-13
How can we take this psalm from its ancient setting and carry its value forward into our own time and beyond? We have already considered that this is a psalm that can provide strength for our conflicts. Today we look at another way.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: An Evil End for Evil Men

Theme: The Last Imprecatory Psalm
In this week’s lessons we are reminded that God will act justly and punish evildoers for their wrongs against the Lord and his people.
Scripture: Psalm 109:1-31
Psalm 109 is the last of the imprecatory psalms.1 Imprecation has to do with praying for or calling down curses on one’s enemies, which followers of Christ are not supposed to do. So for that reason the imprecatory psalms are among the most troubling parts of Scripture for Christians and Christian sensibilities.

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: An Evil End for Evil Men

Theme: Praying When We Are Slandered
In this week’s lessons we are reminded that God will act justly and punish evildoers for their wrongs against the Lord and his people.
Scripture: Psalm 109:1-31

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: An Evil End for Evil Men

Theme: Appealing to God for Justice
In this week’s lessons we are reminded that God will act justly and punish evildoers for their wrongs against the Lord and his people.
Scripture: Psalm 109:1-31

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: An Evil End for Evil Men

Theme: Three Grounds for David’s Appeal
In this week’s lessons we are reminded that God will act justly and punish evildoers for their wrongs against the Lord and his people.
Scripture: Psalm 109:1-31
Today we continue our look at the curses of David, which are being spoken against one or more of his foes. Recall that in yesterday’s study we looked at satan, the accuser’s accuser.

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Friday: An Evil End for Evil Men

Theme: Praising God for His Deliverance
In this week’s lessons we are reminded that God will act justly and punish evildoers for their wrongs against the Lord and his people.
Scripture: Psalm 109:1-31
The last two verses (vv. 30, 31) are a powerful and effective ending to this admittedly difficult psalm. They anticipate the deliverance David has been asking for and promise that David will use his mouth to praise God for his deliverance. His accusers use their mouths to accuse and curse him. He will use his to extol and bless God.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: David and David’s Lord

Theme: The Greatest of the Messianic Psalms
This week’s lessons teach us about the most quoted psalm in the New Testament.
Scripture: Psalm 110:1-3
Near the end of Christ’s earthly ministry, not long before his arrest and crucifixion, there was a time when the leaders of Israel were trying to trap Jesus with trick questions and he turned the tables on them by asking a question that was beyond their ability to answer. “What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is he?” Jesus queried.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: The Order of Melchizedek

Theme: Who Is Melchizedek?
In this week’s lessons we learn how Psalm 110 and the book of Hebrews points us to the Lord Jesus Christ as the one who brings a new and better covenant.
Scripture: Psalm 110:4-7

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: The Order of Melchizedek

Theme: Both King and Priest
In this week’s lessons we learn how Psalm 110 and the book of Hebrews points us to the Lord Jesus Christ as the one who brings a new and better covenant.
Scripture: Psalm 110:4-7
In today’s study we continue our discussion of who Melchizedek is and why he is so important. John Calvin described Melchizedek simply but respectfully as a man who, although we know nothing else about him, “alone in that land was an upright and sincere cultivator and guardian of religion.”1

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: The Order of Melchizedek

Theme: God’s Eternal Oath
In this week’s lessons we learn how Psalm 110 and the book of Hebrews points us to the Lord Jesus Christ as the one who brings a new and better covenant.
Scripture: Psalm 110:4-7

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: The Order of Melchizedek

Theme: A Better Covenant
In this week’s lessons we learn how Psalm 110 and the book of Hebrews points us to the Lord Jesus Christ as the one who brings a new and better covenant.
Scripture: Psalm 110:4-7
Hebrews presents an inspired exposition of each of three ideas about Melchizedek in this verse: with an oath, forever, and the order of Melchizedek, which we look at in today’s study.

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: The Order of Melchizedek

Theme: The Need to Trust in Jesus
In this week’s lessons we learn how Psalm 110 and the book of Hebrews points us to the Lord Jesus Christ as the one who brings a new and better covenant.
Scripture: Psalm 110:4-7

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: An Acrostic Poem about God

Theme: Praising God for His Goodness
In this week’s lessons, we see that God’s goodness is shown by his works, and that true wisdom comes from knowing and fearing him.
Scripture: Psalm 111:1-10

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: An Acrostic Poem about God

Theme: Three Important Statements
In this week’s lessons, we see that God’s goodness is shown by his works, and that true wisdom comes from knowing and fearing him.
Scripture: Psalm 111:1-10

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: An Acrostic Poem about God

Theme: Reasons to Praise God
In this week’s lessons, we see that God’s goodness is shown by his works, and that true wisdom comes from knowing and fearing him.
Scripture: Psalm 111:1-10
There is wonder in the heavens, in the multitude and majesty of stars, in the mysteries of the quasars and black holes, in the distribution and composition of the planets. There is wonder in the microcosm, in quarks and neutrinos, in the cells of the body, in the mind and in matter. There is a mystery to all living things.

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Thursday: An Acrostic Poem about God

Theme: God’s Saving Work of Redemption
In this week’s lessons, we see that God’s goodness is shown by his works, and that true wisdom comes from knowing and fearing him.
Scripture: Psalm 111:1-10

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: An Acrostic Poem about God

Theme: Knowing and Fearing the Lord
In this week’s lessons, we see that God’s goodness is shown by his works, and that true wisdom comes from knowing and fearing him.
Scripture: Psalm 111:1-10

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: An Acrostic Poem about Godliness

Theme: The Character of God Reflected
In this week’s lessons, we learn what the godly person is like, and what the blessings are that come to those who fear the Lord.
Scripture: Psalm 112:1-10
The last verse of Psalm 111 is the theme for Psalm 112. Or to put it another way, Psalm 112 picks up where Psalm 111 left off. Psalm 111 ended with that classic description of true, godly wisdom found several places in the wisdom literature (see Job 28:28; Prov. 1:7, 9:10; Eccles. 12:13):

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: An Acrostic Poem about Godliness

Theme: What Godliness Looks Like
In this week’s lessons, we learn what the godly person is like, and what the blessings are that come to those who fear the Lord.
Scripture: Psalm 112:1-10
Who is the godly man who will be blessed? His godliness consists of three things.1

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: An Acrostic Poem about Godliness

Theme: Three Other Blessings
In this week’s lessons, we learn what the godly person is like, and what the blessings are that come to those who fear the Lord.
Scripture: Psalm 112:1-10
As we noted in yesterday’s study, the middle and chief section of this psalm (vv. 2-9) describes the specific blessings of the person who fears and joyfully obeys God. We have already looked at the blessing on the children of the upright, and riches with righteousness. Today we continue with three more of God’s blessings on the godly.

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Friday: An Acrostic Poem about Godliness

Theme: Two Ways of Life
In this week’s lessons, we learn what the godly person is like, and what the blessings are that come to those who fear the Lord.
Scripture: Psalm 112:1-10
In the past two days’ studies, we have looked at five blessings of the person who fears and joyfully obeys God. Today we conclude this list with a sixth blessing.

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Make Way before God

Theme: A Priesthood and Nation
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the Lord’s abiding presence with his people, even in the midst of great trials and hardships.
Scripture: Psalm 114:1-8

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: Who Is Like God?

Who is like God? What is God like? Have you ever asked yourself that question? It is a good question. The trouble is that it is unanswerable, because there is nothing God can be compared to. He is in a category of his own, unique.

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Who Is Like God?

Our starting point is to notice that this is a strong praise psalm. In fact, it is a superb example of what our praise of God should be. The psalm begins and ends with the words “Praise the LORD,” and the first of its three stanzas repeatedly calls on all the servants of God to extol God, which is what the remainder of the psalm (stanzas two and three) does.

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: Who Is Like God?

As we noted in yesterday’s study, the only place in the Bible where YHWH is explained is Exodus 3:14. Though derived from the most basic of all verbs and expressed in the simplest verbal form, YHWH expresses a wealth of God’s attributes. We have already noted that 1) God is a person; and 2) God is self-existent. Today we continue with three more attributes of God.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Who Is Like God?

Having called upon the “servants of the LORD” to praise him “from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets,” the psalm next turns to the praise of God directly, extolling him as the one who is “exalted over all the nations” and whose “glory [is] above the heavens” (v. 4).

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Who Is Like God?

That brings us to the last stanza of Psalm 113. What it tells us is that God stoops down in order that he might lift the downtrodden up. And more! He lifts them to be as he is. Do you see the parallel between these two stanzas? God is exalted over the nations, so he exalts the poor, raising him from the dust. God is enthroned on high, so he raises the poor to sit with princes.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: Make Way before God

Theme: God’s Sanctuary and Dominion
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the Lord’s abiding presence with his people, even in the midst of great trials and hardships.
Scripture: Psalm 114:1-8

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: Make Way before God

Theme: When Nature Moves before God
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the Lord’s abiding presence with his people, even in the midst of great trials and hardships.
Scripture: Psalm 114:1-8
What could possibly have caused such disturbances in the natural course of nature—the sea to part, the river to reverse its flow, the majestic peaks of Sinai to tremble? This is what the third stanza of the psalm asks rhetorically:

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Make Way before God

Theme: Great Forces against Us
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the Lord’s abiding presence with his people, even in the midst of great trials and hardships.
Scripture: Psalm 114:1-8

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Make Way before God

Theme: Still Nothing Can Separate
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the Lord’s abiding presence with his people, even in the midst of great trials and hardships.
Scripture: Psalm 114:1-8

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: The Victors’ Psalm at Agincourt

Theme: Trusting God
This week’s lessons remind us of the need to trust God in all things, and of what he will do for us as we look to him in faith.
Scripture: Psalm 115:1-18
As we concluded in yesterday’s study, any representation of God by anything material merely debases God and misleads the worshiper. This is why the second commandment is so strong. It says,

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: Help of the Helpless

Theme: A Psalm of Prayer, Deliverance, and Thanksgiving
In this week’s lessons, we see how we are to approach God when we are in need, and what our response ought to be to his help.
Scripture: Psalm 116:1-19

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Help of the Helpless

Theme: The Unchanging God
In this week’s lessons, we see how we are to approach God when we are in need, and what our response ought to be to his help.
Scripture: Psalm 116:1-19
In general, the first eleven (or nine) verses of the psalm tell what God did for the psalmist: God delivered him from the threshold of the grave. He speaks of this in a number of verses: 
The cords of death entangled me,the anguish of the grave came upon me;I was overcome by trouble and sorrow (v. 3).

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Help of the Helpless

Theme: God’s Faithfulness in Life and in Death
In this week’s lessons, we see how we are to approach God when we are in need, and what our response ought to be to his help.
Scripture: Psalm 116:1-19

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Help of the Helpless

Theme: Responding to God’s Goodness
In this week’s lessons, we see how we are to approach God when we are in need, and what our response ought to be to his help.
Scripture: Psalm 116:1-19

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: The Shortest Psalm of All

Theme: Calling Everyone to Praise God
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to praise the Lord for his enduring love and faithfulness toward us.
Scripture: Psalm 117:1, 2
This is the shortest psalm in the Psalter, but, as Derek Kidner notes, its faith is “great” and “its reach is enormous.”1

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: The Shortest Psalm of All

Theme: God’s Enduring Love
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of the need to praise the Lord for his enduring love and faithfulness toward us.
Scripture: Psalm 117:1, 2
In yesterday’s study we noted that the gospel was to be extended to the Gentiles. The second thing we need to notice about Psalm 117 is that the reason the Gentiles (along with Jews) are called upon to praise God is God’s love, for it is a love that “endures forever” (v. 2).

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: Thanks to Our Good God, Part 1

Theme: A Great Praise Psalm
In this week’s lessons, we learn that God’s grace has been shown to all, supremely in the Lord Jesus Christ, who out of his rejection became the capstone for all who come to him in faith.
Scripture: Psalm 118:1-26

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Thanks to Our Good God, Part 1

Theme: Recalling God’s Grace
In this week’s lessons, we learn that God’s grace has been shown to all, supremely in the Lord Jesus Christ, who out of his rejection became the capstone for all who come to him in faith.
Scripture: Psalm 118:1-26

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: Thanks to Our Good God, Part 1

Theme: The Psalm’s Use in the New Testament
In this week’s lessons, we learn that God’s grace has been shown to all, supremely in the Lord Jesus Christ, who out of his rejection became the capstone for all who come to him in faith.
Scripture: Psalm 118:1-26
As we discussed in yesterday’s study, while this psalm is not strictly Messianic, key verses of this psalm are used in the New Testament about Jesus. And it is in this sense that the psalm is Messianic.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Thanks to Our Good God, Part 1

Theme: Jesus the Rejected Capstone
In this week’s lessons, we learn that God’s grace has been shown to all, supremely in the Lord Jesus Christ, who out of his rejection became the capstone for all who come to him in faith.
Scripture: Psalm 118:1-26

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Thanks to Our Good God, Part 1

Theme: Building on Christ
In this week’s lessons, we learn that God’s grace has been shown to all, supremely in the Lord Jesus Christ, who out of his rejection became the capstone for all who come to him in faith.
Scripture: Psalm 118:1-26

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: Thanks to Our Good God, Part 2

Theme: Psalm 118 in History
In this week’s lessons, we see that this psalm reminds us of the need to trust and praise God always.
Scripture: Psalm 118:6, 8, 9, 17, 27-29 
We already completed one study of Psalm 118 last week, but we need to do another. And no wonder. Psalm 118 is a great psalm, telling us not only about Jesus Christ and his work of redemption, but also about ourselves and of our need to trust God and praise him in all circumstances.

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Thanks to Our Good God, Part 2

Theme: No Fear of Man
In this week’s lessons, we see that this psalm reminds us of the need to trust and praise God always.
Scripture: Psalm 118:6, 8, 9, 17, 27-29 
Psalm 118 is a psalm in which individual verses literally leap out at us. In last week’s study we looked at verses that strike us in regard to Jesus Christ and his passion. In this study I want to look at four more verses that strike us for different reasons.

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: Thanks to Our Good God, Part 2

Theme: Trust in God Only
In this week’s lessons, we see that this psalm reminds us of the need to trust and praise God always.
Scripture: Psalm 118:6, 8, 9, 17, 27-29 
The second passage I call to your attention consists of two verses, verses 8 and 9. And this is why. It is reported by people who count such things that there are 31,174 verses in the Bible, and if that is so, then these verses, the 15,587th and the 15,588th, are the middle verses. That should be reason enough to give them prominence.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Thanks to Our Good God, Part 2

Theme: Praising God Always
In this week’s lessons, we see that this psalm reminds us of the need to trust and praise God always.
Scripture: Psalm 118:6, 8, 9, 17, 27-29 
When we were studying Psalm 115, I noted that the last two verses of that psalm say rightly that it is not the dead who praise the Lord but the living: 
It is not the dead who praise the LORD,those who go down to silence;It is we who extol the LORD,both now and forevermore (vv. 17, 18).

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Thanks to Our Good God, Part 2

Theme: Three Great Statements
In this week’s lessons, we see that this psalm reminds us of the need to trust and praise God always.
Scripture: Psalm 118:6, 8, 9, 17, 27-29 
The last three verses are a powerful summary and application of all the psalm has been saying up to this point, and they are the last section I want to draw to your attention. They say,

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: First Things First

Theme: “Giant among the Psalms”
In this first stanza of Psalm 119, we are told of the importance of loving and obeying God’s Word.
Scripture: Psalm 119:1-8

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: First Things First

Theme: A Psalm on the Word of God
In this first stanza of Psalm 119, we are told of the importance of loving and obeying God’s Word.
Scripture: Psalm 119:1-8

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: First Things First

Theme: The Need for Personal Resolution
In this first stanza of Psalm 119, we are told of the importance of loving and obeying God’s Word.
Scripture: Psalm 119:1-8

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: Starting Young

Theme: Living according to God’s Word
In this week’s lessons from Psalm 119, we learn from the Word of God how to live a pure life.
Scripture: Psalm 119:9-16

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Starting Young

Theme: Deciding to Follow God Early
In this week’s lessons from Psalm 119, we learn from the Word of God how to live a pure life.
Scripture: Psalm 119:9-16

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: Starting Young

Theme: Hiding God’s Word in Our Hearts
In this week’s lessons from Psalm 119, we learn from the Word of God how to live a pure life.
Scripture: Psalm 119:9-16

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Isn’t It Absurd?

Theme: Questions about Christ’s Life
In this week’s Christmas lessons, we reflect on the wonder of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of God’s great love for lost and helpless sinners.
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38

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Thursday: Starting Young

Theme: God as Our Teacher
In this week’s lessons from Psalm 119, we learn from the Word of God how to live a pure life.
Scripture: Psalm 119:9-16

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Starting Young

Theme: Four Exercises
In this week’s lessons from Psalm 119, we learn from the Word of God how to live a pure life.
Scripture: Psalm 119:9-16

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