
No One Loves Me This I Know

Monday: A Sea of Troubles

I think that we are often like Jacob when we complain that everything is against us. And we are just as laughable! Circumstances fail to treat us right, someone says something less than complimentary, we are faced by a difficult decision—and suddenly we feel that nothing has ever gone right for us in our entire lives, and we pout about it. Is that the kind of witness we are going to bear for God? Is this the way we are going to disgrace the summons He gave us?

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No One Loves Me This I Know

Tuesday: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil

When we speak of the world in the sense of its being our spiritual opponent we are not using the word in reference to the earth (in the sense of the “world globe”) or even to the people who inhabit the earth (as in the phrase “the whole world”). We are using it to refer to the “world system” which Jesus referred to when he said, “If you belong to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you” (John 15:19).

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No One Loves Me This I Know

Wednesday: If God Be for Us

Jacob had said, “Everything is against me!” He was not right in saying this, as I have indicated. But he would have been right if he had acknowledged these three enemies: the devil, who was no doubt seeking to destroy him as well as Joseph; the world, whose godless values and goals were a constant threat to all of this chosen family; and the sins of his own fleshly nature.

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No One Loves Me This I Know

Thursday: More with Us Than with Them

What is it that surrounds us? Is it the world with its temptations and ensnarements? The flesh with its lusts? The devil with his malicious hatreds and eternal enmity against God? It does not matter: “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

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No One Loves Me This I Know

Friday: The Other Seven Thousand

Today you may seem to be alone in your determination to live for God in this wicked and spiritually hostile world. You may believe that everything and everyone is against you. But this is not the case. You are not alone. God is with you. He alone is greater than any opponent you may face. And in addition to God Himself, there are also thousands who have not and will not bow their knees to the pagan gods of our culture.

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The Pattern of Necessity

Monday: The Persistent God

We want a good life, but most of us are willing to endure things that are not so good, so long as we are in control of the situation. We will bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, endure all things—we will willingly submit to great hardships—so long as we are doing the submitting and retain ability to manipulate the difficult circumstances to our ends.

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The Pattern of Necessity

Tuesday: A Right Response to Sin

A great deal had been accomplished in these sin-hardened brothers of Joseph, accomplishments vividly detailed in Genesis 42. But there is a proper break between chapters 42 and 43, since however much had been accomplished, it is still the case that the sin against Joseph would never have been fully brought out into the open, have been confessed and then forgiven were it not for the continuing hand of God in the events now narrated.

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The Pattern of Necessity

Wednesday: The Forms of Necessity

I see three kinds of necessity in verses 1-14. First, there is the necessity of nature, expressed in this case by the great famine. Instead of abating, as the brothers may have fondly hoped it would, the famine grew worse. The text says, “Now the famine was still severe in the land” (v. 1).

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The Pattern of Necessity

Thursday: Changed Lives

Does the pattern of necessity that God imposes on His people really bring changes? It did in this story. We see two changes: first, in Judah, and second, in the patriarch Jacob himself.

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The Pattern of Necessity

Friday: Stop Wrestling!

We pointed out yesterday that Jacob had learned his lesson about trying to wrestle against God at the Jabbok. Now, we see his attitude toward another God-ordained necessity he must submit to.

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