Godly Example

Monday: A Fellow Worker

The messages to or about these three personalities give a straightforward outline to the book. There is: 1) the message of Gaius, who is termed a fellow worker; 2) the message about Diotrephes, who is causing the problem; and 3) the message about Demetrius, who is designated as an example to all.

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Tuesday: Supporting Christian Workers

Today many regard truth as nonessential, so long as good deeds are done. But John does not favor this view, nor does he regard it as possible. According to the apostle, good deeds flow from truth, just as love flows from it. For it is only as one walks according to the doctrines of the Word, which he has been taught, that truly righteous acts become possible.

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Wednesday: A Major Problem

Here is a great word for those who would like to be engaged in front-line Christian work but who cannot, due to ill health, circumstances, or other pressing obligations. In God’s sight those are fellow workers who merely support others by their gifts, interest and prayers.

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Thursday: John’s Approach

We may grant that there was a struggle for power over the affairs of the local church. But John attributes this, not to a mere difference of opinion about who should have the final word, but to obvious sin; for John argues that the struggle came about because Diotrephes loved “to have the preeminence.”

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Friday: A Fine Example

In verse 11 we have what seems to be a general exhortation to do good and not evil. But in the context of the letter the evil example is most obviously Diotrephes, and the good example, Demetrius. Consequently, the exhortation leads directly into what follows. The personal nature of the maxim is conveyed by the word “imitate.”

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