Monday: Alone but for the Lord
Theme: Alone and in Trouble
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of God’s care for us as we cry out to him in our troubles.
Scripture: Psalm 142:1-7
Theme: Alone and in Trouble
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of God’s care for us as we cry out to him in our troubles.
Scripture: Psalm 142:1-7
Theme: Fervent Prayers
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of God’s care for us as we cry out to him in our troubles.
Scripture: Psalm 142:1-7
The first two verses set the tone for the psalm, because here David is pouring out his distress before God, seeking God’s help in his trouble. He is praying urgently.
Theme: Seeing God in our Struggles
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of God’s care for us as we cry out to him in our troubles.
Scripture: Psalm 142:1-7
Theme: Who God Is
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of God’s care for us as we cry out to him in our troubles.
Scripture: Psalm 142:1-7
What did David see when he was in the cave alone? He saw that God was four important things to him and for him. We have already covered the first thing in yesterday’s study, that of a refuge. Let’s look at the next three points.
Theme: Three “Summits of Faith”
In this week’s lessons, we are reminded of God’s care for us as we cry out to him in our troubles.
Scripture: Psalm 142:1-7
Canadian Committee of The Bible Study Hour
PO Box 24087, RPO Josephine
North Bay, ON, P1B 0C7