God’s Grace

The Book of Matthew

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard – Part Four

Theme: Mercy and Grace 
This week’s lesson teaches us the reasons why we should serve the Lord.
Matthew 20:3-7

And going out about the third hour he saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and to them he said, ‘You go into the vineyard too, and whatever is right I will gi

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The Book of 1 Timothy

Thursday: Grace to the Chief of Sinners

Theme: A Right View of Ourselves and God
In this week’s lessons, we look at how Paul viewed himself apart from Christ, and the great change that took place because of God’s mercy.
Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:12-20

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The Power of True Affection

Monday: Drawn by Love

What awakens the human conscience and draws a man or woman to Jesus Christ? In Reformed circles it is customary to say that it is mostly a sense of need occasioned by awareness of sin. We know sin by the law. So we say that a person must first be slain by law before he can be resurrected by the Gospel. That is good theology. Yet in actual experience it is more often the case that an awareness of the great love of God is the decisive factor.

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The Power of True Affection

Tuesday: The Prime Minister’s Kindness

The story begins with the brothers’ fear, the same fear that had gripped them when the return of their silver had first been discovered. At their father’s insistence they had brought double the money on this journey, the first part to pay for the grain already purchased, and the second part to pay for a new supply. But when they presented themselves in Egypt and were immediately invited to eat with Joseph at noon, they suspected a plot against them.

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The Power of True Affection

Wednesday: Love for All

If you are not a follower of Jesus Christ, you are in the same position as Joseph’s brothers at this point in the story. You have sinned against your elder brother, the Lord Jesus Christ, by denying His claims and refusing His proper lordship over your life. He has used means to awaken you to your need and bring you to an open confession of sin. But you have gone only so far as God’s tactics have forced you to go; even though He has been most loving and gracious toward you, you have not acknowledged His hand in these benefits.

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The Power of True Affection

Thursday: “While We Were Still Sinners”

Romans 2:4 puts the matter of God’s common grace to you and others in the form of a question: “Do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience?” The answer is, of course you do, unless you have repented of your sin and turned back toward God through faith in Jesus Christ. By nature human beings are filled with ingratitude. By nature you show “contempt” for God’s kindness. Yet it is precisely this kindness that God is using to bring you to repentance.

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The Power of True Affection

Friday: God’s Love Commended

There are no such excuses for us. We know there is a God; the Bible says that only fools deny it (Ps. 14:1). We know that all we are and have come from God’s hand; the Bible says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” (James 1:17). When we stop to think about it, we even know that God sent the Lord Jesus Christ to save us by giving His life in our place. But do we acknowledge this? We do not, unless God awakens our consciences and turns us from our manifest ingratitude.

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Rahab Contra Mundum

Monday: Rahab’s Story and Our Own

It would be a miracle greater than the Jewish crossing of the Jordan or the falling down of the walls of Jericho if Rahab, the Amorite prostitute, knew Latin. This was because Latin didn’t come to Palestine until the Roman conquest, which was about 1000 years after the days in which she lived. But if Rahab had known Latin, Rahab might well have described her situation in Jericho as “Rahab contra mundum,” which means “Rahab against the world.”

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Rahab Contra Mundum

Tuesday: Rahab and Her Encounter with the Spies

Rahab’s story is set in the midst of a greater story, and this greater story is that of the conquest of the land. And, moreover, it’s entwined with another story which is also part of that greater story, and that is the story of the sending of the spies.

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Rahab Contra Mundum

Wednesday: Mercy Even to Rahab

Continuing the idea from yesterday’s study, isn’t it striking that in this story of judgment, the first thing is not of judgment, but of an act of mercy as God reaches out to save this pagan woman. It should direct our attention to the mercy of God, in Rahab’s case and in other cases as well.

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Rahab Contra Mundum

Thursday: Rahab’s Faith

Do you know that this woman is praised twice in the New Testament for her faith? One of the places in which she is praised for her faith is the great eleventh chapter of Hebrews, which contains a roster of the heroes and heroines of the faith. It says of her there in verse 31, “By faith, the prostitute, Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.” It’s a short reference, but it’s a good one. And it’s as long as the references that are given for Jacob, and Joseph, and a number of the others who are mentioned.

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Rahab Contra Mundum

Friday: Rahab’s Salvation and Ours

I started out by saying that this is a story of God’s mercy, which indeed it is. When the spies arranged to save her life, they said that she was to tie a scarlet cord in her window. That was to mark the house, such that no one would touch it when the Israelites came. It was a powerful symbol of her deliverance.

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