Word Of God

The Book of Psalms

Monday: Thanks to Our Good God, Part 2

Theme: Psalm 118 in History
In this week’s lessons, we see that this psalm reminds us of the need to trust and praise God always.
Scripture: Psalm 118:6, 8, 9, 17, 27-29 
We already completed one study of Psalm 118 last week, but we need to do another. And no wonder. Psalm 118 is a great psalm, telling us not only about Jesus Christ and his work of redemption, but also about ourselves and of our need to trust God and praise him in all circumstances.

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Thanks to Our Good God, Part 2

Theme: No Fear of Man
In this week’s lessons, we see that this psalm reminds us of the need to trust and praise God always.
Scripture: Psalm 118:6, 8, 9, 17, 27-29 
Psalm 118 is a psalm in which individual verses literally leap out at us. In last week’s study we looked at verses that strike us in regard to Jesus Christ and his passion. In this study I want to look at four more verses that strike us for different reasons.

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: Thanks to Our Good God, Part 2

Theme: Trust in God Only
In this week’s lessons, we see that this psalm reminds us of the need to trust and praise God always.
Scripture: Psalm 118:6, 8, 9, 17, 27-29 
The second passage I call to your attention consists of two verses, verses 8 and 9. And this is why. It is reported by people who count such things that there are 31,174 verses in the Bible, and if that is so, then these verses, the 15,587th and the 15,588th, are the middle verses. That should be reason enough to give them prominence.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Thanks to Our Good God, Part 2

Theme: Praising God Always
In this week’s lessons, we see that this psalm reminds us of the need to trust and praise God always.
Scripture: Psalm 118:6, 8, 9, 17, 27-29 
When we were studying Psalm 115, I noted that the last two verses of that psalm say rightly that it is not the dead who praise the Lord but the living: 
It is not the dead who praise the LORD,those who go down to silence;It is we who extol the LORD,both now and forevermore (vv. 17, 18).

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Thanks to Our Good God, Part 2

Theme: Three Great Statements
In this week’s lessons, we see that this psalm reminds us of the need to trust and praise God always.
Scripture: Psalm 118:6, 8, 9, 17, 27-29 
The last three verses are a powerful summary and application of all the psalm has been saying up to this point, and they are the last section I want to draw to your attention. They say,

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: First Things First

Theme: “Giant among the Psalms”
In this first stanza of Psalm 119, we are told of the importance of loving and obeying God’s Word.
Scripture: Psalm 119:1-8

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: First Things First

Theme: A Psalm on the Word of God
In this first stanza of Psalm 119, we are told of the importance of loving and obeying God’s Word.
Scripture: Psalm 119:1-8

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: First Things First

Theme: The Need for Personal Resolution
In this first stanza of Psalm 119, we are told of the importance of loving and obeying God’s Word.
Scripture: Psalm 119:1-8

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: Starting Young

Theme: Living according to God’s Word
In this week’s lessons from Psalm 119, we learn from the Word of God how to live a pure life.
Scripture: Psalm 119:9-16

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Starting Young

Theme: Deciding to Follow God Early
In this week’s lessons from Psalm 119, we learn from the Word of God how to live a pure life.
Scripture: Psalm 119:9-16

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: Starting Young

Theme: Hiding God’s Word in Our Hearts
In this week’s lessons from Psalm 119, we learn from the Word of God how to live a pure life.
Scripture: Psalm 119:9-16

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Starting Young

Theme: God as Our Teacher
In this week’s lessons from Psalm 119, we learn from the Word of God how to live a pure life.
Scripture: Psalm 119:9-16

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Starting Young

Theme: Four Exercises
In this week’s lessons from Psalm 119, we learn from the Word of God how to live a pure life.
Scripture: Psalm 119:9-16

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: In God’s School

Theme: Praying for Instruction
This stanza of Psalm 119 tells us that studying God’s Word will bring delight in his decrees. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:33-40

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: In God’s School

Theme: The Need for Understanding
This stanza of Psalm 119 tells us that studying God’s Word will bring delight in his decrees. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:33-40

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: In God’s School

Theme: The Need for Direction
This stanza of Psalm 119 tells us that studying God’s Word will bring delight in his decrees. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:33-40
John R. W. Stott’s book Your Mind Matters deals with six areas of Christian living. Each, he maintains, is impossible without a proper and energetic use of our minds. In yesterday’s study we looked at the first three areas: Christian worship, Christian faith, and Christian holiness. Today we continue with the remaining three areas of Christian living.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: In God’s School

Theme: Turning toward God
This stanza of Psalm 119 tells us that studying God’s Word will bring delight in his decrees. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:33-40
As we have previously noted, the best way to achieve a well-rounded education in God’s school is by keeping God’s Word before one’s mind, feet, heart and eyes.

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: In God’s School

Theme: Trusting in God’s Promise
This stanza of Psalm 119 tells us that studying God’s Word will bring delight in his decrees. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:33-40
Faced by temptations and the dangers of life, the psalmist is aware that he needs help. But where is help to be found? 
The only help is from God, and the only reason he can hope for God’s help is that God has promised to help him. That is the point of verse 38: “Fulfill your promise to your servant, so that you may be feared.”

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: The Eternal Word

Theme: God’s Deliverance
In this week’s lessons from Psalm 119, we see the endurance of God’s Word and its saving power. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:89-96

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: The Eternal Word

Theme: Never to Pass Away
In this week’s lessons from Psalm 119, we see the endurance of God’s Word and its saving power. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:89-96

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: The Eternal Word

Theme: What the Enduring Word Does
In this week’s lessons from Psalm 119, we see the endurance of God’s Word and its saving power. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:89-96

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: The Eternal Word

Theme: Standing on the Rock
In this week’s lessons from Psalm 119, we see the endurance of God’s Word and its saving power. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:89-96
The last verse of this section stands alone as a summary statement that links the truth that God’s law is eternal (vv. 89-91) with the salvation that is ours through believing and acting on God’s commands (vv. 92-95): 
To all perfection I see a limit;but your commands are boundless (v. 96).

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: Loving God’s Word

Theme: The Source of True Wisdom
In this week’s lessons, we see that to love God’s Word is also to hate sin. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:97-104
The first of the psalmist’s reasons why he had learned to love God’s law is the one most emphasized, since it is repeated in parallel fashion three times in verses 98-100. It is that God’s Word is the source of true wisdom. This is repeated so often that many scholars regard wisdom, rather than love of God’s law, as the stanza’s actual theme.

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Loving God’s Word

Theme: Hating Every Wrong Path
In this week’s lessons, we see that to love God’s Word is also to hate sin. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:97-104
What does it mean to think of the Bible as sweet? One place we might start in trying to get some understanding is by noting that what the psalmist says is sweet are the “promises” or “sayings” of God.

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: The Clarity of God’s Word

Theme: The Bible’s Approach to Righteousness, Suffering, and Worship
In this week’s lessons, this stanza of Psalm 119 tells us how we can shed light on the darkness of our lives.
Scripture: Psalm 119:105-112
The Bible is not only clear itself; it is clarifying, which means that we see other things clearly by its light. What things do we see clearly? We looked at the first item yesterday, which is the way we should go. Today we continue with three other answers to the question.

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: The Clarity of God’s Word

Theme: Guarding Us from Dangers and Enemies
In this week’s lessons, this stanza of Psalm 119 tells us how we can shed light on the darkness of our lives.
Scripture: Psalm 119:105-112
In the studies from the last two days, we have looked at some areas we see clearly by the light of the Bible. Today we continue with two more.

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: Walking by God’s Word

Theme: Walking as a Christian
In this week’s lessons, this portion of Psalm 119 shows that there are absolutes by which believers must live, which are contrary to what the world puts forth. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:113-128

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Tuesday: Walking by God’s Word

Theme: Right and Wrong Paths
In this week’s lessons, this portion of Psalm 119 shows that there are absolutes by which believers must live, which are contrary to what the world puts forth. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:113-128

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: Walking by God’s Word

Theme: Prayer and Awe
In this week’s lessons, this portion of Psalm 119 shows that there are absolutes by which believers must live, which are contrary to what the world puts forth. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:113-128

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The Book of Psalms

Thursday: Walking by God’s Word

Theme: Looking to God Always
In this week’s lessons, this portion of Psalm 119 shows that there are absolutes by which believers must live, which are contrary to what the world puts forth. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:113-128

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: Walking by God’s Word

Theme: Hating Wrong, Loving Good
In this week’s lessons, this portion of Psalm 119 shows that there are absolutes by which believers must live, which are contrary to what the world puts forth. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:113-128
The last two verses of this section repeat a point we saw in verse 113, namely, hatred of what is wrong contrasted with a love of what is good. As these verses put it, 
Because I love your commands more than gold, more than pure gold,

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The Book of Psalms

Monday: God’s Wonderful Words

Theme: Wonder and Obedience
In this section of Psalm 119, we learn of the wonder of God’s Word, and of the obedience that is a proper response to it. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:129-144

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The Book of Psalms

Tuesday: God’s Wonderful Words

Theme: Light and Understanding
In this section of Psalm 119, we learn of the wonder of God’s Word, and of the obedience that is a proper response to it. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:129-144 
How wonderful is God’s Word? There is a wonderful paragraph by the nineteenth-century Baptist preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon on how wonderful God’s Word is. It is

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The Book of Psalms

Wednesday: God’s Wonderful Words

Theme: The Mercy of God in the Word of God
In this section of Psalm 119, we learn of the wonder of God’s Word, and of the obedience that is a proper response to it. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:129-144

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The Book of Psalms

Friday: God’s Wonderful Words

Theme: True and Trustworthy
In this section of Psalm 119, we learn of the wonder of God’s Word, and of the obedience that is a proper response to it. 
Scripture: Psalm 119:129-144

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Commissioning of a Soldier

Monday: Joshua Then and Now

Here we come to Joshua. And we find that this book is named after its chief character, and so it falls in a category of such other books as Ruth, First and Second Samuel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and the book of Job. Now, it’s appropriate that this book should be named Joshua because, although it deals with other things, it most certainly introduces us to the character and accomplishments of this really extraordinary man. Joshua, as I say, deals with other things. But here is a character who excelled in his obedience to God and led the people of Israel during a difficult and transitional period.

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Commissioning of a Soldier

Tuesday: A Bridge Book

Yesterday we mentioned that Francis Schaeffer called Joshua “a bridge book.” That leads me to say that as I have studied a large number of the commentaries that deal with the book of Joshua, I’ve detected three basic approaches to this book.

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Commissioning of a Soldier

Wednesday: The Word of God

This first section of Joshua 1 that we’re particularly considering in this study, Joshua 1:1-9, is divided into two paragraphs. The first paragraph indicates the transitional nature of the book. It’s what identifies it as a bridge, “After the death of Moses, the Lord said to Joshua…” The second paragraph in this first portion of Joshua 1 deals with the Word of God. And it deals with it in such a way that we recognize at once at the very beginning of the book that this is to be the focus of Joshua’s life and the life of the people.

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